Kräuselkrankheit, resistent, Pfirsich, unempfindlich

Bye bye peach leaf curl!

these 3 peach varieties are robust!


The susceptibility of peaches and nectarines to peach leaf curl is a reason for many private customers to stop planting this type of fruit in their own gardens. Genetic resistance to the disease has not yet been discovered. However, there are peach varieties that are at least robust to peach leaf curl.

Artevos GmbH has a particularly robust peach trio in its range and each variety offers further advantages, so it's worth taking a closer look:


MAJORITA [S] – the robust one

robust – high-yielding – aromatic – self-fertile

This peach variety is robust to peach leaf curl and is therefore ideal for private gardens. Due to its late ripening period at the end of August, it extends the season and is particularly suitable for direct marketing. As the wood is also very robust to forest damage, it is also suitable for colder climates. The very aromatic fruits have a yellow flesh that separates very easily from the skin. The fruit can therefore not only be used for fresh consumption, but is also particularly suitable for preserving.


FRUTERIA [R] UPR 2 – the resilient one

robust – aromatic – self-fertile- stone-dissolving

Fruteria® is not only robust to peach leaf curl, but is also generally very healthy. Even under heavy infection pressure, no infection with the disease has been detected to date. The very good stone-dissolving fruits can be harvested at the end of July and their sweet peach aroma is reminiscent of the traditional 'Roter Ellerstädter'. This peach variety is late blossoming and also self-fertile. The colour of the fruit is yellow with a predominantly red overcolor, the flesh is whitish.


MARPESIA [R] UPR 1 [S] – the fighter

robust – aromatic – stone-dissolving – high-yielding

It is in its nature that Marpesia®, named after the legendary Queen of the Amazons, not only fights against the peach leaf curl, but also wins. Marpesia® is particularly recommended for organic cultivation and private gardens due to its excellent tree health. As a fighter, it is strong (growing) and independent, as it is self-fertile. It owes its beauty to its medium-sized fruits with a yellow base colour and adorable red cheeks. It is taking the market by storm with its attractive white flesh, excellent stone-dissolving and very good peach aroma. It also produces high and regular yields. Marpsia® ripens at the beginning of August, thinning is recommended.


Pfirsich, Kräuselkrankheit, resistent, robust, Artevos   

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