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Fruit tree nursery Paul Kimmig
Springstraße 14 · 77704 Oberkirch-Tiergarten
fon +49 7802 50261 · Mob. +49 160 8120827 · fax +49 7802 50250
Our fruit tree nursery and fruit operations are in the middle of the Renchtal, in the Mittelbaden fruit cultivation region. In the nursery, the "center" of our activities, we create with the greatest passion and devotion tailored trees of quality for our customers. Whether apple knip trees, plums, pears, cherries or red currants, we offer a broad and modern. In addition to plums, we mostly produce apple knip trees, industrial cherries, dessert cherries, pears and red currants. Especially with apple knip trees, it is important not only to plant trees of perfect quality, but also to choose the right variety and the right rootstock to realize best results at the individual location. That is the reason why we don't only offer a wide range of modern varieties and mutations (hail net capable) but also a large selection of rootstocks. In addition to M9 (T337), we also offer M9 (FL56) P22, M27 and Pajam 2 in our product assortment. Since we are in close contact with our customers and since we have many years of experience apple production, we will be glad to advise you. So that you also make the right decision and get the most out of your orchard.